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I never planned to be a professional photographer. Actually, my dream since I was a little girl was to become a nurse. As a lost college student studying nursing for 6 years, while also working the "mom life" with three young children and a fourth on the way, I decided I needed to finally figure out what to do with my chaotically busy (and growing!) life. I've been taking photographs for years. But so what? There are thousands of photographers in California, and more are squeezing through the cracks every day. So who am I exactly, and why am I in the mood to go against a million to 1 odds?


I always thought my passion was nursing, and on the plus side to that, they make a great living! I was struggling between school, being a mom, and not to mention; living the ups and downs of being a military spouse. I have always been drawn to art and photography- I just never saw it as an occupational option for myself because it seemed too difficult and unrealistic to create a "real" living off of. I finally decided to follow my true passion- what I am truly great at and love to do. School was never really my thing anyways. My artistic, creative, and perceptive capabilities is what I should be using as my driving factor in life. After all, a truly successful life stems from passion and doing the things that bring you happiness. 


I went from a City of Modesto office job sitting at a desk 8 hours a day, to working as a Nurse Assistant with 20 hour shifts, sitting through 5 hour class lectures at the college, and countless hours in the library studying. It was just then that I realized I wasn't truly happy with where my life was going. I knew I needed a balance. Being drawn to nature, hiking, and photography, there was no way I would be happy in 15 years from now working long hours in a hospital. I need air! I have always been a people lover, wanting to help people "get better" and be the one to put a smile on their face. I am such a people pleaser. Nursing was for sure the job for me. However, seeing sick people every day drove me to the point of depression. It is a tough job, not only physically, but mentally. But I have come to the realization that there are other ways I can make people happy by also doing what makes me happy- photography! 


The inspiration to start my business started many years ago when my Aunt from San Francisco mentioned to me that I have a great eye for photography. With her husband being a professional photographer and her a florist with her own business, this definitely gave me a confidence booster in my work! Although my photos were not professional, nor was I trying to take professional photos at the time, she viewed my photos as stunning works of art. After years of her making comments on my work, I finally decided to establish my own photography business thinking it probably wouldn't work out. Being the humble person I am, I told myself that I am not THAT great and won't get far with this. I'll be back to school this fall studying countless hours and sitting through long and boring lectures while I doze off out the window day dreaming. Since then, I have proved myself wrong and have come such a long way so quickly. Now I am spending countless hours that are worth my time and energy. Countless hours that bring peace to my soul, capturing such sacred and precious moments of people's lives. This is where I find real joy, happiness, and passion in life! It can't get any better than this.  

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